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Cornerstone Construction Services
20th Anniversary Celebration!

We’re thrilled to celebrate 20 years of building dreams and creating lasting impressions from 2005 to 2025! As a token of our appreciation for your support, we’re offering an exclusive 20% discount on your next project, up to $500!
Take advantage of this special offer throughout the year and let us help you bring your vision to life.
Use the hashtag #CCS20 to share your project updates and join the celebration on social media!
Thank you for being a part of our journey. Here’s to many more years of excellence and innovation!

With over 40 years of experience in roofing, we are experts in storm damage repair and in working with insurance companies. Cornerstone Construction advocates for YOU, the homeowner. As a GAF Master Elite Certified roofing contractor, we provide trusted, reliable service and offer the best warranties in the industry.

Cornerstone Construction Services, Inc. Is a General Contractor Who Works on All Roofing Types in the Knoxville, TN Area

Contact your GAF Master Elite Certified roofer now
For more information, check out our Cornerstone Construction Services, Inc. Brochure

Over 40 Years of Industry Experience

At Cornerstone Construction Services, Inc, we combine customer service with years of expertise. As the premier roofing contractor in Knoxville, TN, we’ve been in business since 2005. With our reputation for quality work many of our clients find us through word-of-mouth.

We only allow the most reliable and skilled contractors to join our team. You can count on us to do the job right the first time, every time. To learn more about any of our roofing services, call us now.

Roofing Services

Whether that’s a simple repair or a total replacement, you can trust Cornerstone Construction Services, Inc. to always advise the best and most economical solution.
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Repairs & Inspections

When you need home repair services, your whole life feels like it needs to be put on hold. But Cornerstone Construction Services, Inc. will have your home back in perfect shape before you know it.
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General Contracting

The team at Cornerstone Construction Services, Inc. consists of licensed contractors who are experienced in all kinds of residential and commercial construction.
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Shingles Roofing in Knoxville, TN

Licensed for All Your Roofing Needs

Cornerstone Construction Services, Inc. is a Master Elite Contractor through GAF, one of the largest roofing companies in the country. We also work with Versico and GenFlex for our roofing materials.

We’re able to offer excellent manufacturer warranties to our clients and specialize in insurance claims. We’ll always advocate for you when negotiating with your homeowners’ insurance. These are just a few of the reasons why we’re the premier roofing contractor in Knoxville, Tennessee. We can’t wait to hear from you, so call us now.

